Transformational English
Activate Your True Potential ✨
Experience a Different Type of Learning
Customised Sessions to fit Your Time, Your Lifestyle & Your Budget
Created for those who want more in life
Does this sound like you?
- You’re tired of paying for English lessons that only bore you with grammar and predictable content.
- You sometimes feel like you’re stuck in the same routine and you’ve lost your sense of excitement.
- You can understand what is being said but when it comes to speaking, you’re afraid people won’t understand because of your non-native accent.
- You can’t find the right vocabulary to express yourself and are often embarrassed by the number of unintelligible filler words you need to use like, “Um, er and uh.”
- You fear speaking in front of people, lack eloquence when communicating and sometimes struggle to understand others under stressful conditions.
- You lack motivation and believe that you are “Just not good enough.”
- Your memory isn’t great, your pronunciation isn’t perfect, you’re afraid you’ll never be fluent and you don’t think you have time.
- You need to get your message across quickly and efficiently but you lack confidence.
I know this sounds crazy to the average person but…
Hear me out for a minute…
If Traditional Methods were effective then tell me…
What CAN you remember from all the years that you went to school?
If you want to continue studying the endless rules of grammar, then go right ahead I won’t be the one to stop you, however…
Here’s a question for you…
What was your level of ATTENTION at school versus your level of attention when you are engaged in something that REALLY INTERESTS YOU?
If you’re thinking that you can just force yourself to concentrate really hard on learning and retaining new information, I’m sorry to have to break it to you…
That’s going to be just as effective as the last time you tried to go on a diet or whatever it was that you wanted to do, you started off with good intentions but somewhere down the line, you were back in your old habits and eventually old paradigms took over.
Here’s why…
Success is 20% Strategy and 80% Motivation
The secret is in the Psychology.
By imitating the traits of the Subconscious mind, we can overcome the ‘Translating phase’ from our native language to a second language.
Polylinguists know that the same way they learnt to brush their teeth is the same way you learn a new skill, however, it’s not just about repetition or memory storage, it’s about HOW you actively engage in the activity and how you INTERPRET this new information.
The Truth is…
How you do ANYTHING is how you do EVERYTHING!
Everything that happens in your life is a result of your Thinking!
Understanding how the mind works is IMPERATIVE to achieving anything you want in life, whether it’s improving your English, landing the perfect job, finding the perfect partner or discovering your Purpose.
Human kind really only has one solitary condition
Let me introduce myself…
This was me right at the beginning of my journey re-imagining my life just after I embarked on a journey at 43 years old, with hardly anything to my name except 5 Incredible daughters, 2 wonderful parents, a heart full of love and a mission that was bigger than me.
That’s when I was able to experience first-hand the paralysing impact of fear; what it really is and what it really isn’t.
You were born to EVOLVE...
Excuses are just Stories created by Fear
You are more powerful than you know and my job as an English Transformation Coach is to introduce you to what you are really capable of!
Every time you choose Comfort over Growth you are Disempowering Yourself
You may think that’s nothing special but considering I transformed my body in just two months after having 5 children it was pretty impressive.
The techniques that I used, are the same techniques that I will teach you in my program.
Know this…
The probability of YOU just being born is 1 in 400 Trillion.
That means that 399.999.999.999.999 people were not born so that YOU could be.
You have a responsibility to evolve into who you were born to be and your life has profound MEANING.
English is the most spoken language in the world and is essential to living the life that deep inside, you know you were meant for.
Transformational English is the only Coaching method that has the Power to CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Join the ever-growing number of people all over the world who have chosen to step into their power and Create a Life they Love!
Get the edge you have been waiting for!
Transformational English was created out of a passion to push You to the next level and help you unlock the extraordinary potential that lies within every Man, Woman and Child.
Natasha Stefanenko ~ Actress, Model and TV Presenter
“I contacted Allegra some years ago when I was asked to host an event with the stars of Hollywood.
I found her coaching to be an invaluable resource. Allegra rewrote the script and consistently provided me with extensive support and guidance that I needed to deliver a Superb Performance on the night!”
Video testimonial & Written testimonials
The owner of this website does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the owner is to offer information to help you in your quest for emotional, spiritual or Intellectual Growth and overall well-being. In the event you use any of the information on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the owner assumes no responsibility for your actions.
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