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Elevate Your Potential

“I am deeply honoured to be working with incredible people from around the globe who continue to blow me away with their stories and struggles which echo those of every person on the planet.

We are more connected than we realise and my mission is to create a global community and platform where the voice of every person can be heard for the incredible human being they are.

We have all been conditioned since childhood into a system that has stripped us of our beauty and our true nature as Creators – leading us to believe that we needed to abandon the person we dreamed of becoming.

It is time we returned to the true essence of who we are and let go of the countless labels that have kept us from discovering our innate and Unique Greatness.”

Allegra Lite 💫


Your Voice Matters and the World is Listening...

The Higher You Podcast is more than just a platform for inspiring stories and interviews.

It’s a Global Community that believes in the Power of GROWTH, CONNECTION, and a HIGHER PURPOSE. 

Providing a Platform to Voices from All over the Globe, to Share the Narratives, Ideas, and Experiences that Define Our Human Journey.




Experience Life-Changing Conversations that will Inspire and Empower you to live a more Purposeful Life

Listen to our Latest Episodes with People from Across the Globe and Gain Insights from Thought Leaders, Entrepreneurs, and Game-Changers from All Walks of Life.

With Fresh and Engaging Content Every Week, you’ll Always Find Something that Resonates with You.

Empower Your Mind for Success

After hundreds of inspiring conversations with people globally, I began to realise that the Wisdom Shared and Breakthroughs Achieved have the Power to Inspire far beyond the confines of Individual Sessions.

This Podcast is to help You let go of the Invisible Restraints holding you back from the Life you were Intended for.

The Intention behind the Creation of this Podcast is to Empower the Mind and Activate Profound Transformation while Answering the Questions I Receive on a Daily Basis from all Corners of the globe.


Against All Odds

Gary and Allegra Lite are Twin Flames who despite all odds, came together from across the globe at a most Crucial Time.

Their Story Stands as a Powerful Testament to the Profound Connection that Manifests when Two Souls, Perfectly Aligned, Come Together by a Cosmic Magnetic Pull and in Their Case,  from Opposite Sides of the World.

It is a Story that Speaks to the Resilience of the Human Heart and the Transformative Potential of Meeting One’s True Counterpart – The Unfolding of a Love that Transcends the Ordinary, a Partnership that Catalyses Evolution and a Bond that Knows No Boundaries.


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