It is quite an unsettling prospect to acknowledge that the majority of mankind has relinquished it’s own innate potential and resorted to a life of simply existing. 

We proclaim our freedom as predictable equations and walking compendiums of aphorisms and taboos, reflexes and syndromes unconsciously ‘re-acting,’ over past wounds and cultural scripts, we’ve traded authentic expression for the need to be accepted.

Plugged in, yes – charged, no.

We’ve imprisoned ourselves in our own minds – sleepwalking through recycled narratives, unknowingly replaying someone else’s version of reality.

True liberation then, lies in breaking these cycles – to act from our essence, rather than reacting from the dead weight of our internal conditioning.

Surely our existence must mean more than an apparent replay of virtues laid down by the very laws of our society, or the reluctant obsession with devices that are only a means to distraction, whilst the unplugged play hardball with the devil.

Therein lies the story of every man, woman and child.

It is the unfathomable, ever evolving story of mankind’s voyage of discovery into the depths of his own psyche, through which he perceives all things.

There he will encounter at every turn, every instant, his arch-enemy hidden from sight, but not from Mind.

For the Real Villain of the play, is in fact, the Voice of the illusory self.

Relentless in its taunting, devouring man with absolute ease; it knows our weaknesses, our pain, our secrets, our struggles, because in truth – it is by absolute definition, the Shadow Self of YOU.

The ultimate quest of man

Forgotten by many, the very reason we were miraculously thrust into this divine wake that we call life, down the birth canal and into the light, was to forego the ego in order to obtain a higher awareness of self and awaken to the knowledge, that the very source of everything visible and invisible, is experiencing itself through ourselves, and indeed through all things, as one single consciousness.

The Dangers of Modern Society

However, the enticements of an ever increasing technocratic society are witnessing humankind succumbed to distraction, an air of nonchalantness pertaining to every adolescent and a rapid decline in general mental well-being.

Some are rapidly regressing into a sleeping-wake generated by the notoriously seductive suggestions of the auto-pilot mind and by the constant flow of changing perceptions of those seemingly exerting free-will but unknowingly lost in the depths of slavery.

Most are unaware of the invisible threat that has succeeded in derailing the dreams of many, luring each one, into a state of amnesia with the promise of an immediate reward in exchange for their dreams and desires.

It is unfortunately, a familiar tale, but unlike fictional stories, this one tells the truth of man’s ongoing battle with the self and must be addressed in order to find the true nature of everything that makes you, YOU.

The Great Trickster

The illusory self is nothing more than a seductive deception, it is the great trickster of all. Disguised as your very own thoughts and feelings, it projects its own disorder and entices the mind into believing itself to be real and once you have identified yourself as the ego, you will of course then endeavour to keep those suggestions alive by reaffirming them to be true.

This is how the ego has dominated your life, seducing you into distraction from the very paths that you were willing to pursue, what is ironic is that for most of our existence, we willingly gave away our power to something that doesn’t even exist.

The Science behind the Ego

What appears to be your greatest enemy, could in fact become your greatest ally.

Science now demonstrates how our minds have been programmed since birth, in order to become functional members of our families and of society itself, much like a computer software, we downloaded programs, in order to “fit-in,” to our surrounding environment.

The programs downloaded into your psyche, pertained to everyone other than YOU.

Which means the way you perceive situations, your opinions, ideas, notions, perceptions, ideals are most probably built on the basis of someone else’s vision and not of your own!

So when you find yourself struggling over things you think you can’t achieve or ideas that your mind keeps finding excuses not to accomplish, its simply because those ideas are not part of the program you received, however, they are directly connected to who YOU are!

It is certainly not in vain, that those who have succeeded in achieving some sort of greatness in their life all incessantly repeat, “Get out of your comfort zone!”

Every single person on the planet holds greatness within.

Here’s what you can do to gain access to it:

Unlocking the Potential within

1. First show your mind who’s boss. Become aware of the suggestions of the illusory self, observe but don’t identify with them. Science has proven that it only takes 90 seconds to gain emotional resilience from the enticements of the ego.

2. Decide what it is you want to do and take immediate action, even if it’s just a small step. It is vital that you do this, without negotiating with your mind. Like the Nike slogan states, “JUST DO IT.”

3. Begin re-wiring the egoic mind with the same tactics it uses on you: Suggestion. Destroy those negative beliefs that don’t serve you through contrast with Positive Affirmations

4. Remember: Your Subconscious Mind believes what you consistently tell it and it will provide to you evidence to support those beliefs. 

5. Create a Mission Statement and visuals that support your goal, find a solid reason to WHY this is so important for you and keep enforcing it through Self-Proclamation, Visualisation and appropriate Action, until it is ingrained deeply into your belief system.

It is my mission to help you discover the magic that lies within you and pursue the deepest wishes of your heart – everything you need to create the life you desire, you already hold! 

Look deep within with the eyes of a child!

Disconnect to Reconnect

The Shift Towards Meaningful Presence

Authentic Living

Authentic Connection

Authentic Presence

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