Ever wonder how some people just seem to be a magnet for success?

They seem to navigate through life with effortlessly, emanating vitality and a natural zest for life while the rest of us seem to struggle to get off our sofas. The one thing that separates you from them is simply – the stories they’ve learned to believe about themselves.


Now. Think about your story.

That constant internal narrative running in your mind, dictating your every move. You know the one I’m talking about. The never-ending commentary only you can hear.

Have you ever stopped to question what narratives are playing in the back of your mind and have you been blindly believing everything your mind has dictated to you without question? – This is the cause of all suffering and WE CAN CHANGE IT.

Ask yourself this: how great is it really - being me?

You spend 95% of your day wrapped up in a world of thinking, replaying old familiar scripts you’ve likely been running for years.

It’s as if we’re stuck in a movie we didn’t consciously choose – the same scenes repeating over and over.

This incessant stream of constant chatter is a relentless source of old information replaying itself in a continuous loop. Its function is actually not to keep you trapped in a cycle – it’s an ancient system created to serve you.

You were just never taught how to use it.   

The hidden narrative

Take a moment and think about your own story – the endless stream of internal dialogue which only you can hear – how great is it being you, I mean – really?

Understand this...

We spend 95% of our day lost in the subconscious stream of thinking, confined to the realms of our own thoughts all of which are shaped by past experiences and childhood conditioning. If the terrain of your inner world is harsh or unloving everything in your life will reflect that inner hostility. Why? Because your subconscious mind is running your entire life. What was intended to serve you is now running the show and you’ve unknowingly taken a back seat in your own life.

Hence the biblical phrase: “The servant has become the master.” 

And that’s where we need to begin.

You Are Not Your Thoughts

Read that again…

You are NOT your thoughts.”

The nonstop commentary playing in your mind is not who you are! It’s simply internal programming constructed from everything you learned as a child so you could make sense of the world around you.

Understand this: Your brain is wired for survival.

The oldest part of the brain aptly named, “The reptilian brain,” has never evolved in 2 million years and its only job is to keep you safe.

It is relentless in its endeavour to keep you out of danger, constantly on the lookout for threats to your usual routine, this ‘negative bias,’ is simply a survival mechanism.

In order to keep you safe, it has to restrict your movements, just like an over-protective, super anxious parent.

This is why its ‘suggestions’ are hindering you from the life you truly desire to have, desperately trying to keep you within the confines of your own familiar conditioning. 

Back in the days when humans had to worry about being eaten by wild animals, this kept us alive, but today, it’s the same part of your brain that freaks out over an unexpected message from your ex or the idea of simply attempting something new. It keeps you locked in your comfort zone because to your brain – CHANGE EQUALS RISK.

The ego isn’t your enemy - it’s simply outdated programming.

The False Self: The great Illusion

Does this sound familiar? 

You struggle to find time for yourself and often feel like you’re always trying to ‘catch up,’ – you find yourself constantly focused on what you need to get done like it’s playing over and over again in your mind and this makes you feel frustrated, powerless and more often than not, a victim of your own circumstances, so you find yourself reacting and losing your patience with those around you because your mind is reminding you of all the things you have to get done, how you have to do everything yourself and how your life is a mess. 

It’s almost like having a twin who constantly reminds you of all your deepest, hidden fears, never leaving you alone and with society becoming increasingly more frenetic and the news outlets ridden with fear-mongering tactics, It’s no wonder the suicide rate is off the charts. 

It is time the world learnt of what it really means to be human. 

Many religions speak of The Ego, some refer to it as the devil itself. In truth – the ego is simply a program, (albeit a very sophisticated one) that was designed to serve you.

The ego or, ‘The false self’ we unknowingly identify with, is the illusion that makes you believe you’re not enough or that you’ll never achieve what you dream of, but here’s the wake-up call: 

The ego isn’t your enemy; it’s simply outdated programming.


Take the story of Christ’s crucifixion at Golgotha, which literally translates as “The place of the skull” and is synonymous for the death of the ego — the realisation that this false/programmed self, isn’t who we truly are. 

For over a thousand years, mainstream Christianity has upheld the story of Adam and Eve as literal history.

The story of Adam and Eve reveals something extraordinary about the human mind.

Temptation and ego shattered the original state of harmony. The moment the ego took control, paradise was lost

This wasn’t to be taken literally, it is symbolic for the splitting of the mind from unity into separation and the struggle to reclaim wholeness.

Adam represents the conscious mind – Eve, the subconscious.

What you think & what you feed your mind shapes your reality.

The subconscious is the powerhouse, the creator, the force that births your experience. If your conscious thoughts are poisoned by fear, doubt and negativity, your subconscious will serve them right back to you.

This is why people stay stuck. Why cycles repeat and why “reality” seems rigged against them. But if you observe yourself closely, you’ll discover that the problem isn’t life, it’s your programming.

Ego fights for survival. It’s wired to resist change because it’s terrified of losing power. Dissolving it through awareness, through meditation & deep internal work, restores the balance between the conscious and subconscious and that’s where real power is. That’s what it means to be reborn.

The Adam and Eve story has fuelled inequality, justified oppression and created systems that inhibit human potential for too long. This is exactly the kind of religious dogma Jesus came to dismantle.

I get it—questioning what you were taught feels like tearing down the foundation beneath your feet. I was there too. I used to defend the Bible’s inerrancy like it was a hill to die on. Studying creation science, arguing with skeptics—if I could prove the Bible was flawless, maybe I could silence the nagging feeling that something wasn’t adding up. But that wasn’t faith. That was fear.

Then I saw the bigger picture. These stories were never about history—they were about spirit. About us – about the mind, consciousness and the way we shape our world.

If more people understood this, we’d stop fighting wars over religion. We’d stop dividing ourselves with dogma. We’d see the thread of truth that runs through all the world’s spiritual traditions—one that unites rather than divides.

This isn’t about belief. It’s about waking up.

It describes the fragmentation of consciousness and the challenges that arise when our minds become divided.

The Fall of Human Consciousness (Garden of Eden)

  1. Adam & Eve’s State Before the Fall – Before eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, Adam and Eve lived in a state of unity and divine connection. This represents a non-dualistic, higher state of consciousness—what some might call Christ or Krishna consciousness.
  2. The Serpent & The Temptation – The serpent (kundalini energy in a lower, unawakened form) tempts Eve to eat the fruit, symbolizing the activation of dualistic awareness—the separation of subject and object.
  3. The Eating of the Fruit – When Eve and Adam eat, their eyes “open,” and they become aware of their nakedness (duality, ego, and separation). This is the descent into lower consciousness, where they begin to perceive life through polarity—good/evil, light/dark, self/other.
  4. Expulsion from Eden – This represents the departure from unity (higher consciousness) into a world governed by karma, suffering, and the cycles of birth and death (Samsara).

Eve represents the right side of the brain. while Adam represents the left.

Adam & Eve represent the masculine  and the feminine energies, both of these are necessary to restore balance. 

  • The Right BrainSubconscious: Represents Intuition, Imagination, Creativity, Esoteric, Mystical, Spiritual, Channeling, Arts, Emotions…
  • The Left Brain Conscious:  Represents: Logic, Law, Order, Facts,  Analytical, Rational, Facts, Language, Exoteric, Linear thinking, Physical/Material.

Yogic Philosophy

In yogic philosophy, Ida and Pingala are two primary nadis (energy channels) that correspond to the dual nature of human consciousness:

  • Ida Nadi (Left Channel) – Associated with the moon, feminine energy, intuition, and emotions (parallels Eve).
  • Pingala Nadi (Right Channel) – Associated with the sun, masculine energy, logic, and rationality (parallels Adam).

The “Fall” represents the unbalancing of these nadis, leading to a separation from the central Sushumna Nadi (spiritual unity). When the energies of Ida and Pingala dominate without balance, human consciousness remains in duality, disconnected from divine awareness.

Returning to Eden (Higher Consciousness)

Through spiritual practices like breathwork (pranayama), meditation, and kundalini awakening, one can harmonise Ida and Pingala, allowing energy to rise through the Sushumna Nadi, leading to enlightenment – the return to the “Garden” (Unity Consciousness).

The TWO must become ONE and only then can you bypass the analytical mind and reach the great expansion of human consciousness available to all human beings. 

In the great journey of life, we have severed ourselves from connection with the divine through our misunderstanding of our true nature, everything you seek – you already hold. What you thought you never had, had been there all along.


Harness the Freedom of Your Choices

Each decision shapes the story of your life. But what if hidden fears and outdated beliefs steer those decisions? Remember: YOU HOLD THE PEN to rewrite your story!

You are only one decision away from a totally different life. Each day offers a fresh canvas to defy those limitations, aiming for a greater version of yourself. Visualise waking up and realising you control your transformation.

Reclaim your agency now – Shed the constraints that hold you back and venture into a realm brimming with opportunities. Alternatively, update your thought processes, try new experiences, or honor your self-worth; even the smallest choice can lead to a monumental shift towards a luminous future.

Consider – What single decision can I make today to draw closer to the life I yearn for? Whether it’s carving out time for self-reflection, diving into a hobby, or seeking support, the paths for change are right in front of you! 

Imagine you just got here, you have no restraints, no labels, no restrictions, no identity or flaws – who can you be? who do you want to be? Instantly choose to let go of all the labels and stories that you have been telling yourself and decide to birth a new version of yourself right now, in this very moment. You are the author of your story and remember: the holy trinity is everything you think, feel and see in your imagination is what you are asking for and you always were receiving what you were asking for although it wasn’t necessarily what you wanted because nobody taught you what real prayer is! 

Guard where you place your attention, seek solitude, silence, gratitude. Everything that surrounds you is an essence of you and life itself is guiding you to a greater version of yourself, you were deviated from it and denied of seeing it because you were never taught who you really are. 

Every thought, every feeling and everything you see in your minds eye by way of imagination is how you create your reality. Your garden of Eden is inside of YOU and to create a beautiful life, you must nurture your inner world, love yourself for how can you possibly love another when they are a reflection of your very soul, if you do not love yourself?

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